Software Performance Testing

Load and Website Performance Testing Services Ensure Quality at Peak Load.

Performance Testing Services

Performance testing services are crucial for verifying that a system is stable and functions correctly under typical, sustained, and stress conditions.

The performance testing experts at QA Genesis utilize established tools to assess the performance metrics of the solution and offer a comprehensive perspective on its overall performance.

Why Do You Need Software Performance Testing?

Application is inefficient

Your application is inefficient.

Increase in the number of app users

You anticipate a significant increase in the number of app users.

Application performs under heavy load

You want to determine how your application performs under heavy load.

Application is capable of promptly restarting

You want to ensure that your application is capable of promptly restarting and saving all data in the event of a failure.

Performance between the application's previous and new versions

You wish to compare performance between the application's previous and new versions.

You're about to go live

You're about to go live and don't want to upset your clients with a slow app.

Let us help you identify issues before they get the better of your application.

Let us help you identify issues before they get the better of your application

How QA Genesis Works?

Numerous performance testing service companies conceal the entire testing process. However, we at QA Genesis are entirely transparent about the complete software testing process. Furthermore, we discuss the process we regularly conduct to keep our clients updated. Thus, during the performance testing procedure, we:


As many straightforward API requests as feasible


Create realistic phenomena that replicate the real-world user experience.


Utilize primary threads to process enormous volumes of data.


Execute tens of hundreds of API queries, either concurrently or in increasing numbers.


Ensure that servers are monitored throughout all tests.


Produce reports that contain concise information on the system's state.


Move the software to the cloud for ease of use.


Utilize external devices to produce diversified requests with a large load.

Standard Testing Process


Analyze the application's backend structure


Familiarize yourself with the procedure


Create a test scope for API queries


Simultaneously run calls in thousands of API threads


Save and analyze the outcomes of test runs


Compile performance data

Hire QA Team and Get


Insight into the behavior of your application when 100/1000/10000 users attempt to use it simultaneously.


Knowledge of the maximum number of concurrent users who can access the program without sacrificing speed or quality.


Recognize how your team should operate in the event of your application going down.

Types of Performance Testing

01Performance Testing:A subset of software testing examines your application's scalability, stability, and dependability under abnormal load situations.

02Load Testing:It assesses an application's performance under conditions of growing user numbers.

03Stress Testing:It elucidates an application's behavior and response to extraordinarily high traffic volumes.

04Scalability Testing:It determines an application's ability to handle increased loads and processing; it can be conducted at the hardware, software, or database level.

05Volume Testing:It verifies an application's ability to handle large amounts of data; this is particularly beneficial for apps that deal with big data.




The rate at which an application responds.



The application's maximum load capacity.



The application's capacity to operate smoothly under heavy load.

Can't wait to test the performance of your application?

Frameworks, Tools, And Solutions













Frequently Asked Questions

In software quality assurance, performance testing is a broad phrase that refers to the process of determining how well a system performs in terms of reactivity and durability when subjected to a specific workload.

Performance testing is often undertaken between the end of the testing and the app's release/publication. It verifies that the system is secure and that all application components are robust in their current hardware configuration.

Suppose your application has previously been tested in the simulation model. In that case, you may want to do additional performance testing to ensure that existing users do not encounter any issues with app access during peak traffic hours.

1. Process Load
2. Memory Load
3. I/O wait
4. Request Transfer Speed
5. Response Time
6. Throughput
7. Load Balancing
8. Latency

1. Understanding how your software performs under duress
2. Knowledge of what your team should do in the event of a system failure
3. Learning about your system's ability to act quickly under duress

1. Occasionally, a system will fail during testing.
2. Your test server should be identical to your production server in terms of resources
3. Creating connected situations for testing the entire user experience might be challenging at times

We cannot generate a detailed performance test result with a single tool. During performance testing, we examine a variety of attributes and make use of a variety of instruments. To give our clients detailed data on application inefficiencies and resolve them, we collect and evaluate the results of several performance tests and then compile them into easy-to-understand reports and graphs.

Yes. However, we do not hardcode environment-specific variables. All of these variables will be editable via the config file.

1. Access to testing environments